How to print even index values of any array | NumPy |

I am a learner , bit stuck not getting how do i print the even indexed value of an array

My code :

import numpy as np
arr_1 = np.array([2,4,6,11])
arr_1 [ (arr_1[ i for i in range(arr_1.size) ] ) % 2 == 0  ]

Expected Output :


2 -> comes under index 0

6 -> comes under index 2

Both are even index

>Solution :

May be this could work for you

Code :

import numpy as np
arr_1 = np.array([2,4,6,11])
a =  [ arr_1[i] for i in range(arr_1.size) if ((i % 2) == 0)  ]

Code is run in google Colab


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