Search csv and return value next to it

I’m working on a simple data filters and I need help with this task:

Let’s say this is my .csv file:


My goal here is to write a function that will search for given value (e.g. 2888) and return value next to it (15)
Here’s my code so far:

def wordfinder(searchstring):
    csv_file = pd.read_csv('test.csv', "r")
    for searchstring in csv_file:
        if searchstring in csv_file:
            return searchstring[2]

But I don’t think it works as intended.

>Solution :

Search the searchstring into the second column and return the values of the third column:

def wordfinder(searchstring):
    df = pd.read_csv('test.csv', dtype=str, header=None)
    return df.loc[df[1] == searchstring, 2]


>>> wordfinder('2888')
0    15
Name: 2, dtype: object

# OR

>>> wordfinder('2888').tolist()

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