TicTacToe if statement not working for player 2


I’m going to post the hole code so you can test yourself.
I don’t get why the victory condition for player 2 is not triggered in the if statement.
I know that is cause the if statement, maybe I wrote it wrong but is like 2 hourse that I’m on it and I don’t get what’s wrong with the statement.
Works fine for player 1.

private static void ticTacToe()
            string[,] board = new string[3, 3];
            for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < board.GetLength(1); j++)
                    board[i, j] = "-";
            string player1 = "X";
            string player2 = "O";
            string currentPlayer;
            int round = 1;
            int aX = 0;
            int aY = 0;
            bool flag = false;
            bool victory = false;
            while (flag == false || victory == false)
                if (round == 1)
                    currentPlayer = player1;
                    currentPlayer = player2;

                bool valid = false;
                while (valid == false)
                    bool validCord = false;
                    while (validCord == false)
                        Console.Write("Where to put(X Co)?: ");
                        aX = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        Console.Write("Where to put(Y Co)?: ");
                        aY = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        if(0 <= aX && aX <= 2 && 0 <= aY && aY <= 2)
                            validCord = true;

                    if (board[aY, aX] == "-")
                        valid = true;
                        board[aY, aX] = currentPlayer;

                for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < board.GetLength(1); j++)
                        Console.Write(board[i, j]);

                        if (board[i, j] != "-")
                            flag = true;
                            flag = false;
                if ((board[0, 0] == "X" && board[1, 0] == "X" && board[2, 0] == "X") || (board[0, 0] == "Y" && board[1, 0] == "Y" && board[2, 0] == "Y"))
                    victory = true;
                    Console.Write(victory + " Victory for player " + currentPlayer);
                else if ((board[0, 1] == "X" && board[1, 1] == "X" && board[2, 1] == "X") || (board[0, 1] == "Y" && board[1, 1] == "Y" && board[2, 1] == "Y"))
                    victory = true;
                    Console.Write(victory + " Victory for player " + currentPlayer);
                else if ((board[0, 2] == "X" && board[1, 2] == "X" && board[2, 2] == "X") || (board[0, 2] == "Y" && board[1, 2] == "Y" && board[2, 2] == "Y"))
                    victory = true;
                    Console.Write(victory + " Victory for player " + currentPlayer);
                else if ((board[0, 0] == "X" && board[0, 1] == "X" && board[0, 2] == "X") || (board[0, 0] == "Y" && board[0, 1] == "Y" && board[0, 2] == "Y"))
                    victory = true;
                    Console.Write(victory + " Victory for player " + currentPlayer);
                else if ((board[1, 0] == "X" && board[1, 1] == "X" && board[1, 2] == "X") || (board[1, 0] == "Y" && board[1, 1] == "Y" && board[1, 2] == "Y"))
                    victory = true;
                    Console.Write(victory + " Victory for player " + currentPlayer);
                else if ((board[2, 0] == "X" && board[2, 1] == "X" && board[2, 2] == "X") || (board[2, 0] == "Y" && board[2, 1] == "Y" && board[2, 2] == "Y"))
                    victory = true;
                    Console.Write(victory + " Victory for player " + currentPlayer);
                else if ((board[0, 0] == "X" && board[1, 1] == "X" && board[2, 2] == "X") || (board[0, 0] == "Y" && board[1, 1] == "Y" && board[2, 2] == "Y"))
                    victory = true;
                    Console.Write(victory + " Victory for player " + currentPlayer);
                else if ((board[0, 2] == "X" && board[1, 1] == "X" && board[2, 0] == "X") || (board[0, 2] == "Y" && board[1, 1] == "Y" && board[2, 0] == "Y"))
                    victory = true;
                    Console.Write(victory + " Victory for player " + currentPlayer);


>Solution :

At the top of your code, you have these definitions for player1 and player2:

string player1 = "X";
string player2 = "O";

However, all of your if statements look like this:

if ((board[0, 0] == "X" && board[1, 0] == "X" && board[2, 0] == "X") || (board[0, 0] == "Y" && board[1, 0] == "Y" && board[2, 0] == "Y"))

You’re checking for X and Y instead of X and O, hence why the win condition is never triggered for player2.

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