After button click move from array index 0 to 1 and so on

I’ve an array of struct, after clicking the correct answer( code below ) I want to change the array index from questions[0] to questions[1], I meant to move through arrays. is it possible in any simple ways ?

any solution will be appericated

    var questions:[EasyQuestions] = [
        EasyQuestions(question: "1 + 1", optionA: "5", optionB: "2", hint: "3-1", correctAnswer: 1),
        EasyQuestions(question: "2 + 2", optionA: "4", optionB: "3", hint: "5-1", correctAnswer: 0)
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        configure(with: questions[0])
        @IBAction func buttonClicked(_ sender: UIButton) {
        if sender.tag == questions[0].correctAnswer {
            print("The answer is correct") // after printing this I want to move on the next element of questions array
    func configure(with question: EasyQuestions){
        self.Question.text = question.question
        self.button1.setTitle(question.optionA, for: .normal)
        self.button2.setTitle(question.optionB, for: .normal)

>Solution :

You can try

var currentIndex = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
@IBAction func buttonClicked(_ sender: UIButton) {
    if sender.tag == questions[currentIndex].correctAnswer {
        print("The answer is correct")
func configure(){
    if currentIndex < questions.count {
        let question = questions[currentIndex]
        self.question.text = question.question
        self.button1.setTitle(question.optionA, for: .normal)
        self.button2.setTitle(question.optionB, for: .normal) 
        currentIndex += 1


make sure to set tags of button1 and button2 to 0,1 respectively

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