How can I use a callback to pass an integer to a pointer in C?

I have a function that prints ‘Hello’ and an integer.
I would like to use a callback function that passes the integer into the first function A.

//FUnction Pointers in C/C++
void A(int ree)
    printf("Hello %s", ree);
void B(void (*ptr)()) // function pointer as argument
int main()
    void (*p)(int) = A(int);

Desired result would be ‘Hello 3’. This doesn’t compile.

>Solution :

void A(int ree)
    printf("Hello %d", ree); // format specifier for int is %d
void B(void (*ptr)(int), int number) // function pointer and the number as argument
    ptr(number); //call function pointer with number
int main()
    void (*p)(int) = A; // A is the identifer for the function, not A(int)
    B(p, 3); // call B with the function pointer and the number
    // B(A, 3); directly would also be possible, no need for the variable p

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