How to display two decimal points in python, when a number is perfectly divisible?

Currently I am trying to solve a problem, where I am supposed to print the answer upto two decimal points without rounding off. I have used the below code for this purpose

import math
a=1.175                            #value of a after some division

The output we get is:

1.17                              #Notice value which has two decimal points & not rounded

But the real problem starts when I try to print a number which is evenly divisible, after the decimal point only one zero is displayed. I have used the same code as above, but now

a=25/5                                   #Now a is perfectly divisible

The output displayed now is

5.0                                      #Notice only one decimal place is printed

what must be done rectify this bug?

>Solution :

The division works and returns adequate precision in result.

So your problem is just about visualization or exactly:

  • string-representation of floating-point numbers

Formatting a decimal

You can use string-formatting for that.
For example on Python 3, use f-strings:

twoFractionDigits = f"{result:.2f}"

or print(f"{result:.2f}")

See also:

Try on the Python-shell:

Python 3.6.9 (default, Dec  8 2021, 21:08:43) 
[GCC 8.4.0] on linux
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>>> import math
>>> a=1.175                            #value of a after some division
>>> result = math.floor(a*100)/100
>>> result
>>> print(result)
>>> a=25/5                                   #Now a is perfectly divisible
>>> result = math.floor(a*100)/100
>>> result
>>> print(result)
>>> print(f"{result:.2f}")

Formatting a decimal as percentage

Similar you can represent the ratio as percentage:
print(f"{result:.2f} %")


5.00 %

A formatting shortcut for percentage can be:
Which converts the result of 25/100 == 0.25 to:


Note: The formatting-literal .2% automatically converts from ratio to percentage with 2 digits after the decimal-point and adds the percent-symbol.

Formatting many decimals in fixed width (leading spaces)

Another example is to print multiple decimals, like in a column as right-aligned, so you can easily compare them.

Then use string-formatting literal :6.2f to add leading spaces (here a fixed-width of 6):

>>> print(f"{result:6.2f} %")
  5.00 %
>>> print(f"{100/25*100:6.2f} %")
400.00 %
>>> print(f"{25/100*100:6.2f} %")
 25.00 %

All this can also be done using %-formatting (compatible with Python before 3.6) as in theherk’s answer.

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