mongodb shell login – password contains special characters like -(hyphen) and '(single quote)

I am trying to login to mongodb database using mongodb shell, and if the password contains any special characters like -(hyphen) or ‘(single quote) , it gives error – Error parsing command line: unrecognised option '-8B'df5='.

mongo -u username -p -8B'df5= --authenticationDatabase admin

Kindly help

>Solution :

The manual for the deprecated mongo command makes it clear that the preferred way to pass a connection string is as a URI. makes it clear that usernames and passwords can be passed as part of that URI.

mongo mongodb://username:-8B%27df5%3D@hostname/admin

%27 is the URL-scaping version of '

%3D is the URL-scaping version of =

Python’s urllib.quote() is one of the many ways you can look up these mappings yourself.

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