creating n array of objects based on dynamic number


I need to create an array based on number which is my limit. So below is my input and this the expected output I am looking out



Expected output

[{value: 3, label: 3}, {value: 2, label: 2}, {value: 1, label: 1}, {value: 0, label: 0}]

Tried this

Array(3).map((_, i) => ({value: i, label: i  }))

But this didn’t worked, any help is appreciated

>Solution :

This may be one possible solution to achieve the desired objective.

Code Snippet

const n = parseInt(prompt('Enter value for n: ').toString()) ?? 3;

    (x, i) => ({
      value: n-i,
      label: n-i


  • Create an array of n + 1 elements
  • Iterate over the array and hold the index as i
  • For each element, .map() an object with props value & label
  • In order to get the sort-order right, use n - i as the value for both props

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