Replace An Exact Grouped Part in RegEx Python

I have a template that I need to replace a part of that using Regex in Python. Here is my template: (Note that there is at least a new line between two comments)

how's everything

some text

Some code here

I want to replace everything between <!--POSTS:START--> and <!--POSTS:END--> in Python. So I made <!--POSTS:START-->\n([^;]*)\n<!--POSTS:END--> pattern but it includes <!--POSTS:START--> and <!--POSTS:END--> too.

Here is what I want:

re.sub('...', 'foo', message)

# expected result:
how's everything


Some code here


>Solution :

You can use a capture group for the start and end markers and reference those as \1, \2, etc in the target replacement string.

If the text has multiple occurrences of <!--POSTS:START-->...<!--POSTS:END--> then the regexp with .*? will replace each of those groups. If the ‘?’ is removed the regexp then it will remove all text from the start of the first group to the end of the last group.

Try this:

import re

s = '''
how's everything

some text

Some code here

# for multi-line matching need extra flags in the regexp
s = re.sub(r'(<!--POSTS:START-->\n).*?(\n<!--POSTS:END-->)', r'\1foo\2', s, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)


how's everything


Some code here

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