Swift Update Struct in View

I apologize I am new to Swift and may be going about this completely wrong.

I am attempting to call the mutating function on my struct in my view to add additional phones or emails. This is my Struct.

struct CreateCustomer: Codable {
        var Phone: [CustomerPhone]
        var Emails: [String]
        init() {
            Phone = [CustomerPhone()]
            Emails = []
        public mutating func addPhone(){
        public mutating func addEmail(){
struct CustomerPhone: Codable {
    var Phone: String
    var PhoneType: Int
        Phone = ""
        PhoneType = 0

I am attempting to add a phone to my state var with the following

Button("Add Phone"){

I get the following Error

Cannot call value of non-function type ‘Binding<() -> ()>’ Dynamic key
path member lookup cannot refer to instance method ‘addPhone()’

Thank you for any help!

>Solution :

If Customer_Create is a state property variable (like below) then you don’t need binding, use property directly

struct ContentView: View {
  @State private var Customer_Create = CreateCustomer()

  var body: some View {
     Button("Add Phone"){
       Customer_Create.addPhone()    // << here !!

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