custom hook and private route in React immediately navigates to login


I have a very straight forward private Route in React:

export default function PrivateRoute({ children }) {
  const auth = useAuth();

  return auth ? children : <Navigate to="/login" />;

and this is my custom hook:

export default function useAuth() {
  const [loggedIn, setLoggedIn] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    const token = Cookies.get("token");
      .get(`${process.env.REACT_APP_API}/auth`, {
        headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
      .then((result) => {
        if (result.status === 200) {
      .catch((error) => console.error(error));
  }, []);

  return loggedIn;

The hook successfully returns true or false, but at the time when the PrivateRoute is called, it is false, thus I land on the login page.

How can I wait for the hook before redirecting to login?

I call the PrivateRoute like this:

      <Admin />

>Solution :

The initial loggedIn state value matches the unauthenticated state. Use an indeterminant value that doesn’t match either the confirmed authenticated/unauthenticated status. Check for this indeterminant value and conditionally render null or some loading indicator.

export default function useAuth() {
  const [loggedIn, setLoggedIn] = useState(); // <-- undefined

  useEffect(() => {
    const token = Cookies.get("token");
      .get(`${process.env.REACT_APP_API}/auth`, {
        headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
      .then((result) => {
        setLoggedIn(result.status === 200);
      .catch((error) => {
  }, []);

  return loggedIn;

export default function PrivateRoute({ children }) {
  const location = useLocation();
  const auth = useAuth();

  if (auth === undefined) return null; // or loading spinner/etc...

  return auth
    ? children
    : <Navigate to="/login" replace state={{ from: location }} />;

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