Can't call a setter function in typescript if the type is specified

I’m developing a frontend project, and right now I’m in the signup form, and I exported the following class for the user:

export class User {

    private _id: string
    private _name: string
    private _last_name: string
    private _email: string
    private _age: number
    private _password: string

    constructor(id: string, name: string, lastName: string, email: string, age: number, password: string) {
        this._id = id
        this._name = name
        this._last_name = lastName
        this._email = email
        this._age = age
        this._password = password

    static emptyUser() {
        return new User('', '', '', '', 0, '')

    public get id() : string {
        return this._id

    public set id(id:string) {
        this._id = id
    public get name() : string {
        return this._name

    public set name(name:string) {
        this._name = name

    public get lastName() : string {
        return this._last_name

    public set lastName(lastName:string) {
        this._last_name = lastName
    public get email() : string {
        return this._email

    public set email(email:string) {
        this._email = email
    public get age() : number {
        return this._age

    public set age(age:number) {
        this._age = age
    public get password() : string {
        return this._password

    public set password(password:string) {
        this._password = password

Then, whenever I call a setter fuction in my component, vscode signs an error due to the type "String" not having a signature. But if I change the setter parameter type to "any" the bug goes away. The component code goes bellow:

import { useState } from "react"
import { User } from "../../../core/User"
import AuthenticationButton from "../AuthenticationButton"
import AuthenticationInput from "../AuthenticationInput"

function SignUpForm() {

    const [clientSignUp, setClientSignUp] = useState<User>(User.emptyUser())

    function setClientName(name:string) {

    return (
        <div className="flex flex-col gap-3
            <h1 className="text-3xl">Sign Up</h1>
            <hr className="bg-gray-900 border border-gray-900" />
            <label htmlFor="SignUpName">Name:</label>
            <label htmlFor="SignUpLastName">Last name:</label>
            <label htmlFor="SignUpEmail">E-mail:</label>
            <label htmlFor="SignUpPassword">Password:</label>
            <div className="flex justify-center">
                <AuthenticationButton>Sign up</AuthenticationButton>

export default SignUpForm

>Solution :

You are using setter in wrong way. Update your setClientName as

function setClientName(name: string) { = name;

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