Get undefined or Promise { <pending> } trying to push to an array

I have problems pushing to an array in a SSR page in the below code.

    let categories = []

    categories = await axios.get(`http:/.../${price_list_name}`).then(res => {

    const child_categories = categories.related.category_childs.hits.hits
    const childs_en_names = []
    if (child_categories.length > 0) {
        for (var doc in child_categories) {

    const get_products = async (en_name) => {
        await axios.get(`http://.../${en_name}`).then(res => {
            let data = {
                "en_name": en_name,
            return data

    const products = await Promise.all( => get_products(en_name))) 

    // logging
    // console.log(categories.products, 'props')
    console.log(products, 'products')

cosole.log(products, ‘products’) returns me undefined or Promise { }. I have searched alot but haven’t been successfull to make it work.

any help would be highly appreciated.

>Solution :

You’re not returning anything from get_products. There’s no point in using async/await if you’re going to use then too. It sort of defeats the point.

const get_products = async (en_name) => {
  const res = await axios.get(`http://.../${en_name}`);
  const data = {
    en_name: en_name,
  return data;

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