Transform an tab of key values into an array of key values

I would like to transform an tab array of key values into an array of key values => {
       return {
         [rate]: account.vent.filter(v => v.rate === rate)[0]

(5) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
0: {10: 500}
1: {20: 630}
2: {5: undefined}
3: {19.6: undefined}
4: {1: undefined}

I have this in my console I would like something more like:

  10: 500
  20: 630
  5: undefined
  19.6: undefined
  1: undefined

>Solution :

Add this and your problems will be solved

    return {...p,...c};

Your code will look like this after adding the above code => {
       return {
         [rate]: account.vent.filter(v => v.rate === rate)[0]
    return {...p,...c};

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