How to connect to a MySQL db via a client on Mac?

I’m used to MS SQL and Management Studio on Windows but got MacBook recently, and appereantly, I don’t have enough RAM for the tasks I need to do on my Parallels Desktop.
Thus, I installed MySQL on my Mac and been able to create a database via MySQL Workbench.
I can see the database exists when I type in


However, whenever I want to connect to the localhost server via a client (Sequel Pro), using the same connection informations as I used to Workbench, I get this error message:

MySQL said: Authentication plugin ‘caching_sha2_password’ cannot be
loaded: dlopen(/usr/local/lib/plugin/,
0x0002): tried: ‘/usr/local/lib/plugin/’ (no
such file)

Help would be appreciated.

>Solution :

I’d strongly suggest you to use Docker to run Databases locally instead of installing them.
This gives you lots of advantages (eg: only run it when you need it) and moreover there are plenty of documents around that tells you how to quickly run and connect to it.
For example –> (the real first result found duckduckgoing it :))

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