C++ Instantiate Template Variadic Class

I have this code:

#include <iostream>

template<class P>
void processAll() {
    P p = P();

class P1 {
    void process() { std::cout << "process1" << std::endl; }

int main() {
    return 0;

Is there a way to inject a second class ‘P2’ into my function ‘processAll’, using template variadic ? Something like this :


template<class... Ps>
void processAll() {
    // for each class, instantiate the class and execute the process method


class P2 {
    void process() { std::cout << "process2" << std::endl; }


int main() {
    processAll<P1, P2>();
    return 0;

Can we iterate over each class ?

>Solution :

With fold expression (c++17), you might do:

template<class... Ps>
void processAll()
    (Ps{}.process(), ...);

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