Python split string with Nth occurrence of a character


I have a string having some comma separated values
Input text

my_string = 'abc,kjj,hg,kj,ls,jsh,ku,lo,sasad,hh,da'

I need to split this string with every 5th occurrence of comma

expected output: ['abc,kjj,hg,kj,ls','jsh,ku,lo,sasad,hh','da']

Code I tried

a = re.findall("\,".join(["[^,]+"] * 5), my_string)

Current Output

['abc,kjj,hg,kj,ls', 'jsh,ku,lo,sasad,hh']

How to get remaining string?

>Solution :

You can do it by splitting on , and joining in chunks:

seq = my_string.split(',')
size = 5
[','.join(seq[pos:pos + size]) for pos in range(0, len(seq), size)]


['abc,kjj,hg,kj,ls', 'jsh,ku,lo,sasad,hh', 'da']

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