Sending two http request one after another

I have 2 api calls which i want to send one after the other.
I need a response of the 1st one to send the 2nd api request, but i also need the data from first call. Looks like switchMap is the way to go, atm it looks like this:

this.apiCall1().pipe(switchMap(res1 => this.apiCall2( => ...)

but i need to assign the res1.differentData to a variable which seems impossible with switchMap. Or maybe im just missing some syntax.

>Solution :

I suggest you to just reemit the value coming from apiCall1() and use forkJoin to get both values at the end:

  switchMap(res => forkJoin(
    [of(res), this.apiCall2(res)]

this way you receive an array containing two elements (the results of both calls) at the end.

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