About the react router link problem state field name problem

Here is my code:

  <Button variant="warning"><Pencil/></Button>

In the destination, I can get the contact object by the following coding:

let data = useLocation();

I want the field name to be dynamic.
So, I have tried the following coding, unfortunately in the destination, I cannot get the contact object.

let fieldName="contact"; 
      state={{ fieldName:contact}}
    <Button variant="warning"><Pencil/></Button>

How can I make it work?

>Solution :

If you mean the property key is dynamic then the code would look something more like the following:

  state={{ [fieldName]: contact }}
  <Button variant="warning"><Pencil/></Button>

fieldName is a dynamic key and would be used in the same way in the receiving component.

const { state } = useLocation();

const value = state[fieldName];

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