How to PassOptionsToPackage from inside a quarto document?


Consider the following quarto document:

title: "Some title"
author: X
date: "2022"
   number-sections: true
   fontsize: 12 pt
   papersize: A4
   fig-pos: 'H'
   geometry: "left=2.54cm,right=2.54cm,top=2.54cm,bottom=2.54cm"
     text: |

engine: jupyter
jupyter: r-reticulate

1 & 2\tabularnewline
\cellcolor{blue} 3 & \cellcolor{red} 4\tabularnewline

I get the following error, when rendering it:

LaTeX Error: Option clash for package xcolor.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.83 \KOMAoption

A solution that works is to add table to the following line of the tex file generated by quarto:


That is:

\PassOptionsToPackage{dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names, table}{xcolor}

My question is: How can I do that from inside the quarto document instead of hacking the tex file?

>Solution :

As explained in this answer on Tex StackExchange, one possible solution could be passing table as a classoption and you do not need to declare using xcolor explicitly since it is used by-default.

title: "Some title"
author: X
date: "2022"
   number-sections: true
   fontsize: 12 pt
   papersize: A4
   fig-pos: 'H'
   geometry: "left=2.54cm,right=2.54cm,top=2.54cm,bottom=2.54cm"
   classoption: table
     text: |

1 & 2\tabularnewline
\cellcolor{blue} 3 & \cellcolor{red} 4\tabularnewline

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