nextFloat is not working on Random object

why this line of code has error message ?

Random ran2 = new Random();
float distance = ran2.nextFloat(50f);

>Solution :

The method nextFloat(float) is implemented in interface java.util.random.RandomGenerator (, which was introduced in Java 17. Compiling this code with a JDK < 17 will result in a compilation error:

... error: method nextFloat in class Random cannot be applied to given types;

There are two ways to solve this issue:

  • Upgrade to a JDK >= 17 (the recommended approach)

  • Copy what RandomGenerator.nextFloat(float) does (the actual implementation can be found in jdk.internal.util.random.RandomSupport (

    float distance = ran2.nextFloat();
    distance = distance * 50f;
    if (distance >= 50f) // may need to codistancedistanceect a distanceounding pdistanceoblem
      distance = Float.intBitsToFloat(Float.floatToIntBits(50f) - 1);

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