Notepad++ dynamic "replace with"


I want to replace found result (with regular expression) by a dynamic space count.

This will be found by: (XY\w.*_\d\d )(\w.*)

XY_bbb_11 PT
XY_brtztsd_34 KJH
XY_bghg_44 LOP

Expected result:

XY_bbb_11       PT
XY_brtztsd_34   KJH
XY_bghg_44      LOP

Is it possible in Notepad++?

>Solution :

This can be done using Elastic TabStops plugin.

  1. Run plugin Manager and install Elastic Tabstops
  2. Go to Plugins > Elastic Tabstops and tick Enable
  3. tick Convert spaces to Elastic Tabs

Screenshot (before):

Screenshot (after):

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