Search exact words in elastichsearch


Using elasticseach, I want to search all documents with two words.

I use:

{ "query": { "match": { "text": "word1 word2" } } }

but instead of having documents with word1 and word2, i have documents with word1 or word2.
¿how can i search docs with word1 AND word2?

>Solution :

You can use operator in the query.

The operator parameter can be set to or or and to control the boolean
clauses (defaults to or).

POST test_index/_doc
POST test_index/_doc
POST test_index/_doc
{"text":"word1 word2"}

GET test_index/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "text": {
        "query": "word1 word2",
        "operator": "and"


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