sum of two columns assigned to a condition

hi im trying to get the total of two columns stored to a name then get a condition but i having error on the ‘Rebound’ name on line 3

the offreb and defreb has a integer type and some values are stored as 0 (zero)

SELECT team, CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) AS name, SUM(offreb + defreb) AS Rebounds
FROM boxscore
WHERE round = 'Finals' AND game = 7 AND Rebounds > 0
ORDER BY team, Rebounds;

>Solution :

You want to filter by column in the WHERE clause which is not yet calculated when the WHERE clause is executed. You can use a sub-query or having.

It should be something like this:

SELECT team, CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) AS name, SUM(offreb + defreb) AS Rebounds
FROM boxscore
WHERE round = 'Finals' AND game = 7
GROUP BY team, CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname)
HAVING SUM(offreb + defreb) > 0
ORDER BY team, Rebounds;

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