How to search an array of objects using another array of objects

I have an array of objects like this

    "prop1": "value1",
    "prop2": "value1",
    "check": {
      "gender": ['male'],
      "office": ['London','New York']
    "prop1": "value2",
    "prop2": "value2",
    "check": {
      "gender": ['female'],
      "office": ['Berlin', 'New York']

I want to search this array passing another object, that will be compared to the check property of the array. So, if I search using this object

  "office": ['New York']

I will get back both elements of the above array, but if I search using this one

  "gender": ['male'],
  "office": ['London']

this will return the first element only. I want also to be able to pass something like

  "gender": ['female'],
  "office": ['London', 'Berlin'] // <- 2 elements here

and get back the second element. I can check if the objects are the same but I don’t know how to do a partial search, how can I do that?

>Solution :

const data = [{"prop1": "value1", "prop2": "value1", "check": {"gender": ['male'], "office": ['London','New York'] } }, {"prop1": "value2", "prop2": "value2", "check": {"gender": ['female'], "office": ['Berlin', 'New York'] } } ];

const filters = {
  "office": ['Berlin']

const customFilter = (data, filters) => {
    const fKeys = Object.keys(filters);
    return data.filter(o =>
        fKeys.every(k => (
            filters[k].some(fVal =>

// Without indentations
// return data.filter(o => fKeys.every(k => filters[k].some(fVal => o.check[k].includes(fVal))));

const result = customFilter(data, filters);

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