How to use dictionary on np.where clause in pandas

I have the following dataframe

import pandas as pd
foo = pd.DataFrame({'id': [1,1,1,2,2,2],
                    'time': [1,2,3,1,2,3],
             'col_id': ['ffp','ffp','ffp', 'hie', 'hie', 'ttt'],
             'col_a': [1,2,3,4,5,6],
             'col_b': [-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6],
                'col_c': [10,20,30,40,50,60]})

id  time col_id  col_a  col_b  col_c
0   1     1    ffp      1     -1     10
1   1     2    ffp      2     -2     20
2   1     3    ffp      3     -3     30
3   2     1    hie      4     -4     40
4   2     2    hie      5     -5     50
5   2     3    ttt      6     -6     60

I would like to create a new col in foo, which will take the value of either col_a or col_b or col_c, depending on the value of col_id.

I am doing the following:

foo['col'] = np.where(foo.col_id == "ffp", foo.col_a, 
                      np.where(foo.col_id == "hie",foo.col_b, foo.col_c))

which gives

  id  time col_id  col_a  col_b  col_c  col
0   1     1    ffp      1     -1     10    1
1   1     2    ffp      2     -2     20    2
2   1     3    ffp      3     -3     30    3
3   2     1    hie      4     -4     40   -4
4   2     2    hie      5     -5     50   -5
5   2     3    ttt      6     -6     60   60

Since I have a lot of columns, I was wondering if there is a cleaner way to do that, with using a dictionary for example:

dict_cols_matching = {"ffp" : "col_a", "hie": "col_b", "ttt": "col_c"}

Any ideas ?

>Solution :

You can map the values of the dictionary on col_id, then perform indexing lookup:

import numpy as np

idx, cols = pd.factorize(foo['col_id'].map(dict_cols_matching))

foo['col'] = foo.reindex(cols, axis=1).to_numpy()[np.arange(len(foo)), idx]


   id  time col_id  col_a  col_b  col_c  col
0   1     1    ffp      1     -1     10    1
1   1     2    ffp      2     -2     20    2
2   1     3    ffp      3     -3     30    3
3   2     1    hie      4     -4     40   -4
4   2     2    hie      5     -5     50   -5
5   2     3    ttt      6     -6     60   60

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