Problem using System.Linq to print a file line by line (C#)

So I’m writing a very simple way to display graphics content in a text file (Just unicode symbols) line by line, at a certain distance from the console edge.

int GraphicsDrawCount = 0;
    Console.SetCursorPosition(3, 3 + GraphicsDrawCount);

    TempMemory = Convert.ToString(File

} while (GraphicsDrawCount < 19);

I expected it to actually give me the lines in question but instead it constantly outputs

System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.String] .

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

>Solution :

The immediate cause of misbehavior is that


returns not a string, but enumeration IEnumerable<string>; so the quick but dirty amendment is to change .Take(1) into .FirstOrDefault(""): we want a single string, not a enumeration of strings with one item.

// No need of Convert here
TempMemory = File
  .FirstOrDefault(""); // <- The very first item, instead of Take(1)

If you want to print 19 top lines you can just join them:

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, File

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