Why is the .map() function not iterating?


I am trying to iterate through my state via .map(), but the function stops after the first return:

private renderEmployeesTable() {
if (this.state.employees) {

  return new Array(this.state.employees).map((_, index) => {

    const employeeId: string | undefined =
    const employeeName: string | null = this.state.employees[index]?.name;
    return (
        <div className="row">
          <div className="col">
            <p className="rowText">{employeeId}</p>
          <div className="col">
            <p className="rowText">{employeeName}</p>
          <div className="col">
            <p className="rowText">
                  (res) => res.employeeId === employeeId
          <div className="col">
            <p className="rowText">{this.state.hoursToWork}</p>
        </div>{" "}


In the console, index is 0 and doesn’t go up.
Do you have any idea, how I could fix this?

>Solution :

Your are creating a new Array() which contains only 1 item: an array.

You probably don’t need the new Array() part, just map this.state.employees directly.

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