Intersection of 2 arrays containing objects


I’m using the below code to intersect 2 very large arrays. Is it possible to improve the performance of this as it takes such a long time as it currently stands.

const arr1 = [  
const arr2 = [  

 let arr3 = arr1.filter(a => arr2.some(b => { return a.firstName == b.firstName && a.lastName == b.lastName}));  

>Solution :

Create an id based on your matching criterion and add it to a Set for one of your arrays. Then you have a constant lookup time

let createId = (x) => `F:${x.firstName};L:${x.lastName}`;

//ids is a Set<string> which will only contain values created by the createId function
let ids = new Set( => createId(x)));

//now in the filter, you have a set-lookup which is O(1) instead of 
//a linear search which is O(n)
let intersection = arr1.filter(x => ids.has(createId(x)));

Of course, you can modify the createId however you want. By calling it also in the callback of filter, you make sure, all objects are treated the same.

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