How can I free memory in the running Memgraph instance?


I know that by setting the --memory-limit flag in the Memgraph configuration file (/etc/memgraph/memgraph.conf) I can set the maximum amount of memory that a Memgraph instance can allocate during its runtime.

I’ve limited the amount to a pretty low value since I’m running a fair share of Docker images at the same time.

Is there a way to run a memory cleanup from Memegraph Lab on my Memgrap instance? I’ve never run out of RAM, but I’d just like to know if it is possible.

>Solution :

It is possible to run a memory cleanup by running the FREE MEMORY query. After importing dataset for a few times, memory can be fragmented form the import + delete. Calling FREE MEMORY should defragment the RAM that Memgraph is using.

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