Remove duplicates in an object in JSONiq


This is an example object that I got:

{ "query1" : [ { "name" : "John", "id" : 1234 }, { "name" : "Rose", "id" : 3214 }, { "name" : "John", "id" : 1234 } ] }

How can I remove the duplicates using group by and array navigation / unboxing?

I tried implementing the group by clause after the where clause but did not get the correct answer

>Solution :

For remove duplicates item from Json object you can use this code:

from collections import OrderedDict

data = {
    "query1": [
        {"name": "John", "id": 1234},
        {"name": "Rose", "id": 3214},
        {"name": "John", "id": 1234},

unique_data = {}
for key, array in data.items():
    unique_objects = OrderedDict()
    for obj in array:
        unique_objects[(obj["name"], obj["id"])] = obj
    unique_data[key] = list(unique_objects.values())



{'query1': [{'name': 'John', 'id': 1234}, {'name': 'Rose', 'id': 3214}]}

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