How to set the dynamic search parameter correctly in the url?

**Am I setting the dynamic search parameter correctly in the url? Or I should use the backticks or other syntacsis? I need to search by the input the objects inside a backend url endpoint.**

people: [],
getAllProducts(searchInput) {
            let searchUrl = searchInput;
              .then((response) => response.json())
              .then((res) => {
                let local = this;
                if (searchInput) {
                  this.people = res.filter((i) =>
                } else {
                  this.people = res;

>Solution :

Yes, you need to use backticks to be able to use string interpolation

But the code you posted doesn’t make much sense in a real world scenario.
If you’re sending a search parameter to the API then one would expect you’re going to get filtered data.
That means you don’t have to filter it yourself.

Also, you’re assigning a lot of variables which you don’t use later on. What’s the purpose of searchUrl and local variables?

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