pandas groupby, split df and rename multiple sheets


I have a dataframe like as below

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import default_rng
rng = default_rng(100)
cdf = pd.DataFrame({'Id':[1,2,3,4,5],
                   'customer': rng.choice(list('ACD'),size=(5)),
                   'segment': rng.choice(list('PQRS'),size=(5)),
                   'manager': rng.choice(list('QWER'),size=(5)),
                   'dumma': rng.choice((1234),size=(5)),
                   'damma': rng.choice((1234),size=(5))

I would like to do the below

a) create an excel file output with multiple sheets (based on segment column) for each manager (based on manager column)

b) For segment values – Q,P and S, check whether column dumma value is greater than column damma value

c) Instead of out.xlsx, save each file using the {manager}.xlsx name (from manager column)

d) If there are no records for any specific segment (len=0), then we need not create sheet for that segment

So, I tried the below

DPM_col = "manager"
SEG_col = "segment"

for i,j in dict.fromkeys(zip(cdf[DPM_col], cdf[SEG_col])).keys():
    print("i is ", i)
    print("j is ", j)
    data_output = cdf.query(f"{DPM_col} == @i & {SEG_col} == @j")
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter('out.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter')
    if len(data_output[data_output['segment'].isin(['Q','P','S'])])>0:
        if len(data_output[data_output['dumma'] >= data_output['damma']])>0:
            for seg, v in data_output.groupby(['segment']):
                v.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"POS_decline_{seg}",index=False)
        for seg, v in data_output.groupby(['segment']):
            v.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"silent_inactive_{seg}",index=False)

But it doesn’t work. It only shows the value for R segment (which is in else clause)

I expect my output for each manager file to have multiple sheets like as below. If there are no records for any specific segment (len=0), then we need not create sheet for that segment

>Solution :

I think need loop by all values in DPM_col column with write each manager to separate file with multiple sheets by conditions:

DPM_col = "manager"
SEG_col = "segment"

for manager, data_output in cdf.groupby(DPM_col):
    with pd.ExcelWriter(f'{manager}.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
        m1 = data_output['segment'].isin(['Q','P','S'])
        m2 = data_output['dumma'] >= data_output['damma']
        df = data_output[m1 & m2]
        for seg, v in df.groupby('segment'):
            v.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"POS_decline_{seg}",index=False)

        df1 = data_output[~m1]
        for seg1, v1 in df1.groupby('segment'):
            v1.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=f"silent_inactive_{seg1}",index=False)

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