Field not updated after executing UPDATE in MySQL table


I would like to change the login password for a user using the following script:


#Salir si alguno de los datos no está presente
if(!isset($_POST["email"])) exit();

#Si todo va bien, se ejecuta esta parte del código...

include_once "conectar_pdo.php";

$password = $_POST['password'];
$email = $_POST['email'];

    Al incluir el archivo "conectar_pdo.php", todas sus variables están
    a nuestra disposición. Por lo que podemos acceder a ellas tal como si hubiéramos
    copiado y pegado el código
//convertimos la pass a pass real
$encrypted_password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

$sentencia = $base_de_datos->prepare("UPDATE tb_administradores SET
encrypted_password = ? WHERE email = ?");
$resultado = $sentencia->execute([ $encrypted_password, $email]); # Pasar en Pasar en el mismo orden de los ?

#execute regresa un booleano. True en caso de que todo vaya bien, falso en caso contrario.
#Con eso podemos evaluar

if($resultado === TRUE)  echo json_encode(array("success"=>true));
else echo json_encode(array("success"=>false));

Here you have the table fields

My issue is that I am getting as output from the script the response


but the field encrypted_password is not updated

>Solution :

Since you have the condition WHERE email = ? and the row is not updated, it would mean that the row does not exist.

The result would be {success:true} because the query did succeed, there were no errors.

The value in $email does not match what is stored. Debug it and display the value,

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