jq select based on two conditions within one child object

I have a json file with the following format

{"id": "3DFD4GF", "demographic": [{"country": "Spain", "rating": 7},{"country": "Germany", "rating": 2}]}

I want to see each line where country is "Canada" and rating is 10 in the same object within the demographic array

I tried:
jq 'select((.demographic[].country=="Canada") and .demographic[].rating==10)' json

but this will return lines where inside the demographic array there can be any object containing "country": "Canada" and any object where "rating": 10

However, my goal is to have those two key value pairs in the same object

The expected output is:

{"id": "454FGF6", "demographic": [{"country": "Germany", "rating": 4},{"country": "Canada", "rating": 10}]}

How can I change my query to return the desired result?

>Solution :

Use any() to check if any of the demographic match your logic:

select(.demographic | any(.country == "Spain" and .rating == 7))
  "id": "3DFD4GF",
  "demographic": [
      "country": "Spain",
      "rating": 7
      "country": "Germany",
      "rating": 2

JqPlay Demo

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