Google Sheets: calculating the percent change between entries in a column based on another column


I would like to calculate the percent change of a quantity for each time it appears associated with a particular string.

The example uses salaries and names. Each time a person salary is updated, it is added to the sheet. I want to automatically calculate the percent change from their previous salary listed.

I am seeking a solution that does not require a drag down with each entry (e.g., ArrayFormula, BYROW).

sample spreadsheet:

currently, there are two drag down solutions that work: K2

=IFERROR((INDEX(QUERY(INDIRECT("A2:J"&ROW(A2)),"select J,H,A where J contains ‘"&J2&"’ order by A desc"),1,2)-
INDEX(QUERY(INDIRECT("A2:J"&ROW(A2)),"select J,H,A where J contains ‘"&J2&"’ order by A desc"),2,2))/
INDEX(QUERY(INDIRECT("A2:J"&ROW(A2)),"select J,H,A where J contains ‘"&J2&"’ order by A desc"),2,2))

and N2


I tried another route (M2) but could not get the range for each row to restrict to the current row.

=ArrayFormula(IF(J2:J="",,BYROW(J2:J,LAMBDA(name,INDEX(QUERY(FILTER({$J$2:$J,$H$2:$H,$A$2:$A},$J$2:$J=name),"order by Col3",0),1,2)))))

If there is a simpler/alternative option (e.g., lookups, index/match, etc), I’m open to taking a completely different approach.

>Solution :

You can significantly simplify the formula using BYROW() and LET(). Try the following formula-


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