Update GitHub Action from set-output to GITHUB_OUTPUT

I have tried everything I can thing of for variations of this and have not been able to find the right syntax. I have a GitHub Actions workflow that currently has this step:

- name: Parse Assignee Properties
  id: assignee_properties
  uses: actions/github-script@v6
    script: |
      const assignees = context.payload.issue.assignees;
      const assigneeStrings = assignees.map(a => `{'login': '${a.login}', 'id': ${a.id}, 'url': '${a.html_url}'}`);
      const jsonArrayString = `[${assigneeStrings.join(', ')}]`;
      console.log(`::set-output name=assigneeJson::${jsonArrayString}`);

The above uses the old set-output command it is being removed. The documentation examples at https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-11-github-actions-deprecating-save-state-and-set-output-commands/ all use echo "::set-output name={name}::{value}" and how to change them.

I’ve tried that format in the above script, it returns an error that the syntax is wrong. I tried different variables of using console.log like:

  • console.log(assigneeJson='${jsonArrayString}' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT);
  • console.log("assigneeJson=’${jsonArrayString}’ >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT");
  • console.log("assigneeJson=’${jsonArrayString}’") >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT;

And none work. I’m guessing this is super simple and I’m missing something obvious but there appears to be very little documentation of using this within a script and using console.log.

>Solution :

You should not use console.log, but rely in the imported @actions/core library using:

core.setOutput('outputKey', 'outputVal');

To use this action, provide an input named script that contains the body of an asynchronous function call. The following arguments will be provided:

  • github A pre-authenticated octokit/rest.js client with pagination plugins
    context An object containing the context of the workflow run
  • core A reference to the @actions/core package

From the docs or @actions/core:


Action inputs can be read with getInput which returns a string or getBooleanInput which parses a boolean based on the yaml 1.2 specification. If required set to be false, the input should have a default value in action.yml.

Outputs can be set with setOutput which makes them available to be mapped into inputs of other actions to ensure they are decoupled.

const myInput = core.getInput('inputName', { required: true });
const myBooleanInput = core.getBooleanInput('booleanInputName', { required: true });
const myMultilineInput = core.getMultilineInput('multilineInputName', { required: true });
core.setOutput('outputKey', 'outputVal');

Alternatively you can set the setOutput property of the github-script action:

- uses: actions/github-script@v6
  id: set-result
    script: return "Hello!"
    result-encoding: string

The return value will be auto-assigned to an output variable called result.

- name: Get result
  run: echo "${{steps.set-result.outputs.result}}"

This will work when you only need to assign a single value and when you don’t care about the name being result.

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