Deleting files older than 7 days, with exception for 1st day of the month


I need a scipt, that will delete a files older than 7 days, with exception for 1st day of the month.
Files created at 1st day of the month shouldnt be deleted. The part that i created for files older than 7 days works propperly, but i cant exclude the files from each 1st of month.

I tried to get the work done by following code, but the scipts is still deleting the files from 1st day of the month, even after adding the -notlike statement

Get-ChildItem C:\PSScripts\test -Recurse -Directory | 
Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) -and $_.CreationTime -notlike (GET-DATE -Format "MM/dd/yyyy" -Day 1) } |
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse

>Solution :

You need to apply the same format to CreationTime as you do to Get-Date:

Get-ChildItem E:\Scripts\Powershell\TestFolder -Recurse -Directory | 
Where-Object {(Get-Date($_.CreationTime) -Format "MM/dd/yyyy") -notlike (GET-DATE -Format "MM/dd/yyyy" -Day 1) } 

That then returns only those that are not created on the 1st of the month

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