How To Filter Out List of Word from ElasticSearch Query Result?

        SearchSession searchSession = Search.session(entityManager);
        String[] fieldsArray = {"displayName", "email"};
        String[] filterEmailArray = filterEmail.split(",");

        var query =
                .where(f -> f.bool()
                .sort(f -> f.score().desc());

As you can see I only can filter out the 0th index of the array. How to filter out all of them?

>Solution :

You can use the TermsSetContext query instead of the MatchContext.

Replace this line:


with the next one:


Note: the termsSet query is only available in Elasticsearch 7.0 and later.

for your 6.1.8. version try next:


Note: the terms query has limitations, such as a limit of 65,536 terms.

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