How to colour grouped barplot by group, not by conditon in ggplot?


I have a simple dataframe and would like to create a grouped barplot with x axis as "decade" and y as "rate" and separate bars for "condition", but with different colours for different decades.

df <- data.frame (decade  = c("1970", "1970","1980", "1980","1990","1990","2000","2000"),
              condition = c("Yes", "No", "Yes","No","Yes","No","Yes","No"),
              rate = c(60,34,50,25,24,12,9,5))

I have tried the following but it gives color based on fill conitions, the color for the decade does not display


What I would like is something like this, is this possible in ggplot or other graphical packages in R?

>Solution :

If you use just change the fill option to decade, it should do the trick.


df <- data.frame (decade  = c("1970", "1970","1980", "1980","1990","1990","2000","2000"),
                  condition = c("Yes", "No", "Yes","No","Yes","No","Yes","No"),
                  rate = c(60,34,50,25,24,12,9,5))


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