Why does my sqs access policy statement is overwritten instead of adding another policy?

Advertisements I have a sqs queue, which has an existing sqs access policy. I am trying to add another policy statement inside the existing policy, but running my cloudformation template results in overwriting the existing policy with the new policy. DlqSqsQueue: Type: AWS::SQS::Queue Properties: QueueName: !Sub name KmsMasterKeyId: alias/aws/sqs KmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds: 86400 UpdateReplacePolicy: Delete DeletionPolicy: Delete… Read More Why does my sqs access policy statement is overwritten instead of adding another policy?

AWS DynamoDB Metadata

Advertisements Is there a way to add custom metadata on DynamoDB when performing such operations as PutItem, Query, Scan, GetItem, etc.? Where I can add and read those metadata? Example: "sample-key": "sample-value" I think the S3 has the Metadata field on its UploadInput. While the SQS has the MessageSystemAttributeValue. >Solution : This is not possible… Read More AWS DynamoDB Metadata

AWS Lambda is not sending a messages to SQS queue

Advertisements I am trying to send message (hardcoded) to SQS from Lambda. I am running lambda locally and getting messages in SQS. Deployed lambda (image) is not working, I have added AmazonSQSFullAcess to a lambda role. const AWS = require(‘aws-sdk’); AWS.config.update({ region: process.env.REGION }); const sqs = new AWS.SQS({ apiVersion: ‘2012-11-05’ }); let response; /**… Read More AWS Lambda is not sending a messages to SQS queue

Test sending SQS message from role in Cloud9 having send / received message permission to queue but no message received

Advertisements I was using Cloud9 to assume a role to test on the dynamic permission to send message to a queue. In cloud9, i assumed this role with the following permissions { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "sqs:DeleteMessage", "sqs:ReceiveMessage", "sqs:SendMessage", "sqs:GetQueueAttributes" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:498722974444:general-queue-abc", "arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-2:498722974444:individual-queue-${insert-attribute-by-customer-name}" ] }, {… Read More Test sending SQS message from role in Cloud9 having send / received message permission to queue but no message received

Lambda does not send message to SQS destination if invoked by an SQS source

Advertisements I have the following set up: I have a simple return in my Lambda function right now: async function handler(event) { return ‘success’; } If I invoke the lambda from the aws-cli using: aws lambda invoke –function-name tt-yt-automation-production-1b2b-tiktok-download –invocation-type Event –cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out /dev/null It will return the message to the destination SQS (SQS#2), which… Read More Lambda does not send message to SQS destination if invoked by an SQS source