Setting up a retry button to request again for permissions in android kotlin

I wrote a permission handling code to handle multiple permission properly. //exception handling and cancellation management private val errorHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, throwable -> Log.e("SplashActivity", "Exception Error: $throwable") } private var multiplePermissionsLauncher = registerForActivityResult( ActivityResultContracts.RequestMultiplePermissions() ) { results -> var areAllPermsGranted = true for (isGranted in results.values) { areAllPermsGranted = areAllPermsGranted && isGranted }… Read More Setting up a retry button to request again for permissions in android kotlin

How do I create a single permission check in my android app?

I am programming an app that connects to a device via Bluetooth, but every time I want to do something with the BluetoothDevice I have to insert a permission check like this (Kotlin): if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { ActivityCompat.requestPermissions( this, arrayOf(Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT), 42 ) } Is there a workaround with one single permission check in… Read More How do I create a single permission check in my android app?