Permission issue while executing downloaded pipeline artifact in Azure devops CI

Advertisements I am using multiple stages in my pipeline to understand the different paradigms. To share files between stages, I made use of pipeline artifacts. Building in one stage and testing the result in another. To support this, I have a simple C file, which prints hello. My pipeline trigger: – main pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest… Read More Permission issue while executing downloaded pipeline artifact in Azure devops CI

when using powershell inline script in Yaml file I get error "while parsing a block mapping did not find expected key"

Advertisements Yaml is really frustrating to work with, I exported as YAML from an azure devops release pipleine and each time i insert this code into my yaml file and run it Azure devops always says "error -while parsing a block mapping did not find expected key" . Is someone able to help on how… Read More when using powershell inline script in Yaml file I get error "while parsing a block mapping did not find expected key"

Devops yaml "The term '-powershell:' is not recognized"

Advertisements I’d like my devops build pipeline to run PowerShell that will list files it later complains it can’t find. When I run the following I get the error: The term ‘-powershell:’ is not recognized Where did I go wrong? name: Deploy Bicep files $(Build.BuildId) trigger: none # – main variables: location: "uksouth" templateFile: "bicep/365Response.main.json"… Read More Devops yaml "The term '-powershell:' is not recognized"

Azure DevOps: How to pass on a variable to a template read from Library variable group

Advertisements I have a variable group defined in pipeline > Library > variable group > called ‘template-variable-group’ All that I am trying to accomplish here is to pass on the value of the variable my-temp-var (in this case as you can see its value is my-template-value) to a template from the yaml file. I have… Read More Azure DevOps: How to pass on a variable to a template read from Library variable group