Why passing ref struct to methods actually passes a copy of a ref struct?

Advertisements When I’m trying to pass a ref struct that looks like, say public ref struct BufferWriter { readonly Buffer* _pb; public int WrittenBytes; //… public bool Append(ReadOnlySpan<byte> buffer) { //… WrittenBytes += buffer.Length; //… } } to a method (Write100U8Chars(BufferWriter, Object) in the following example), a struct is not actually passed by a reference,… Read More Why passing ref struct to methods actually passes a copy of a ref struct?

C# numerator & denominator is squared when multiply 2 times

Advertisements numerator & denominator is squared when I multiply 2 times Fraction file: using System; namespace MathLib.Fraction { public struct Fraction { // Private Member static int prNumer; static int prDenom; // Constructor public Fraction(int _numer, int _denom) { if(_denom == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Denominator cannot be Zero.", "_denom"); } prNumer = _numer; prDenom… Read More C# numerator & denominator is squared when multiply 2 times