How can I generate horizontal JavaScript numbers so that they correspond to the days of the month

Advertisements This can write out the number vertically but not horizontal and it doesn’t give the 7 14 21 28 number breaks const getDay = document.getElementById(‘days’); const getWeek = document.getElementById(‘week’); getWeek.innerHTML = ‘<tr><th>H</th><th>K</th><th>Sz</th><th>Cs</th><th>P</th><th>Sz</th><th>V</th></tr>’; for (let i = 1; i < 32; i++) { getDay.innerHTML += ‘ <tr><td id=”‘ + i + ‘day” class=”days” onclick=”open’ +… Read More How can I generate horizontal JavaScript numbers so that they correspond to the days of the month

How to implement a pandas dataframe calendar with varying inputs for each cell

Advertisements So, I’ve a problem that I managed to get a solution but it doesn’t feel right nor it’s efficient. There’s a list of assets assets = [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, …, ‘n’], and for each asset, I’ve a unique input for each date in a date range as date_range = [‘2023-01-01’, ‘2023-01-02’, …, ‘202x-xx-xx’]. To… Read More How to implement a pandas dataframe calendar with varying inputs for each cell

How to Get all Day Names from a particular month

Advertisements Given a year and month, I want to print out the name of each day of the month, in order. import calendar weekday = calendar.weekday(2021,4) myday = calendar.day_name[weekday] print(myday) Actual Output Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: weekday() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘day’ Expected Output [‘Mon’,’Tue’,’Wed’,’Thu’,’Fri’,’Sat’,’Sun’,’Mon’,’Tue’,’Wed’,’Thu’,’Fri’,’Sat’,’Sun’,’Mon’,’Tue’,’Wed’,’Thu’,’Fri’,’Sat’,’Sun’,’Mon’,’Tue’,’Wed’,’Thu’,’Fri’,’Sat’,’Sun’,’Mon’,’Tue’] >Solution… Read More How to Get all Day Names from a particular month

How to fetch a URL containing a # with Fetch API?

Advertisements I’m using the Google Calendar API and to fetch the events of a calendar, you must send a GET request to the endpoint. Problem is calendarId may contain a # like in and when when I fetch, it’s only actually fetching, i.e. the part of the URL before the #… Read More How to fetch a URL containing a # with Fetch API?

pandas: dt.weekday works but dt.isoweekday doesn't work

Advertisements I am trying to extract the year,month,date,day,minutes from column I have dataframe ”’ 2021-01-01 00:15:00 2021-01-02 00:30:00 2021-02-05 02:15:00 2021-02-20 00:15:00 2021-04-25 22:15:00 2021-12-30 00:10:00 i am trying df[‘date’] = pd.to_datetime(df[‘date’]) df[‘year’], df[‘month’], df[‘day’], df[‘minute’], df[‘hour’],df[‘weekday’]= df[‘date’].dt.year, df[‘date’].dt.month, df[‘date’], df[‘date’].dt.minute, df[‘date’].dt.hour, df[‘date’].dt.isoweekday df which works fine for all other attribute but dt.isoweekday is throwing… Read More pandas: dt.weekday works but dt.isoweekday doesn't work

How to change an XAML glyph from C#?

Advertisements I have an XAML label that shows an empty box. It’s using a glyph font-family similar to Microsoft’s MDL2 assets (except cross-platform). <Label Content="&#xE739;" FontFamily="avares://HomeworkCalendar/Assets/Fonts#Symbols" PointerEnter="Check_OnPointerEnter" PointerLeave="Check_OnPointerLeave"/> When the user hovers over the element I change it from a box to a checkbox. private void Check_OnPointerEnter(object? sender, PointerEventArgs e) { var label = (Label)sender!;… Read More How to change an XAML glyph from C#?

React onClick event only triggers when rendering component

Advertisements The onClick function for the dynamically rendered components should be setting the selected date via useState. The onClicks on the imgs work exactly as you’d expect with no problems. Even just putting a single div with an onClick attribute in its place doesn’t work, the onClick still gets triggered when the component gets rendered,… Read More React onClick event only triggers when rendering component