Checkbox requirements for random generator not going into sum

Advertisements I have a password generator that when you hit generate, you get a password. It has 4 options with 0.5 chance to change a character generated at length if checked. When I add the checkboxes for NUMBERS and SYMBOLS it stops working. const generateBtn = document.getElementById(‘generate’) const passwordDisplay = document.getElementById(‘passwordInput’) const checkUpper = document.getElementById(‘checkUppercase’)… Read More Checkbox requirements for random generator not going into sum

JavaScript check and uncheck checkbox, after uncheck checkbox return to the original state

Advertisements I’m using JavaScript to code a function, that if checkbox is checked disabled the select dropdown, then if uncheck the checkbox and enable the select dropdown. HTML: <input type="checkbox" id="flag"> <select name="cars" id="select" disabled> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="saab">Saab</option> </select> This is how I do it: function summary() { if (document.getElementById(‘flag’).checked) { document.getElementById(‘select’).disabled = true;… Read More JavaScript check and uncheck checkbox, after uncheck checkbox return to the original state

jquery: checking if any checkbox is checked only works on the first checkbox checked

Advertisements confusing! I have a grid with (hidden) checkboxes like this: U see, some are selected, but not all. I want my greyed out button at the bottom to become enabled (opacity = 1) when any of the checkboxes is eneblaed, and disabled when all are unchecked. My code works but only with the first… Read More jquery: checking if any checkbox is checked only works on the first checkbox checked

how to uncheck checkbox that has specific dynamic value in javascript

Advertisements I have many checkboxes that when user checks one of them, it makes a span with ajax with ‘tag’ attribiute . I want that when a user click in this spans again, unchecks the checked checkbox, but when I put ‘t’ var in front of value its not working, can anybody help me? $(document).on(‘click’,… Read More how to uncheck checkbox that has specific dynamic value in javascript

How to check single checkboxes in a listview builder flutter

Advertisements How do I use checkbox correctly in a listview in flutter, with the below code once i check one of the boxes the all checkbox in the listview gets clicked instead of the single one i clicked. ListView.builder( shrinkWrap: true, physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(), itemCount: bool_.length, itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) { return CheckboxListTile( value:… Read More How to check single checkboxes in a listview builder flutter

How to click on checkbox filter with selenium Python?

Advertisements I’m trying to click on a checkbox filter on a website with selenium python. This is a part of its HTML code linked to one of the checkbox options. <div class="shopee-checkbox" bis_skin_checked="1"> <label class="shopee-checkbox__control"> <input type="checkbox" name="" value="Jabodetabek"> <div class="shopee-checkbox__box" bis_skin_checked="1"> <i> </i> </div> <span class="shopee-checkbox__label">Jabodetabek</span> </label> </div> I tried following, but it didn’t work.… Read More How to click on checkbox filter with selenium Python?

If there is like 5 checkboxes, I can't uncheck the checkboxes randomly. I can only uncheck one by one

Advertisements I uncheck the checkboxes, database value got update to 0 from 1. But I can’t uncheck the checkboxes randomly. I can only uncheck one by one. Example, there is like 5 results, I can uncheck from 1 to 5 in order. I want to do is uncheck randomly like 5 2 3 1. Result… Read More If there is like 5 checkboxes, I can't uncheck the checkboxes randomly. I can only uncheck one by one