I want to call and modify the element that I want to choose in same classes

I don’t know how to call the single or any element in same classes like if p.innerHTML == null then the background of div will change or make any code. The only thing I know is getting a document by ClassName and call the element through [0], [1], [2], [3], … and so on.. But… Read More I want to call and modify the element that I want to choose in same classes

Multiple variable className in next js

How to apply multiple className in Next js, in which there are variable classsnames as well ? I’m using component level css approach Here’s my code and what I want to do: import styles from "./ColorGroup.module.css"; const colors = ["red", "sky", "yellow", "green", "golden"]; const ColorGroup = () => { return ( <div className={styles.colorContainer}> <text>Colour</text>… Read More Multiple variable className in next js

How To Stop Link Component From Giving 404 Error in NextJS?

Can anyone tell me why the following Link Component is unable to find the linked page? VSCode is literally auto-completing the file name as I type it in but for some reason I keep getting 404. //index.js in WelcomePage folder import styles from "/styles/WelcomePage.module.css"; import Link from "next/link"; function WelcomePage() { return ( <> <h1… Read More How To Stop Link Component From Giving 404 Error in NextJS?

Parameter can not be passed from react route to react Component

I have tried the previous solutions but it seems that the v6 of react-dom is not working that way. I can not pass the id from the path to the component. app.js import Container from ‘react-bootstrap/Container’ import Footer from ‘./components/Footer’; import Header from ‘./components/Header’; import ‘./index.css’; import {BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route} from ‘react-router-dom’ import… Read More Parameter can not be passed from react route to react Component

how to execute cleanup function in useEffect() only when component unmounts

I want to clear filters only when the component unmounts. So I wrote cleanup function only in useEffect(). But as I checked it with console.log(), 1 was printed after the component mounted too. What’s wrong in this way? useEffect(() => { return () => { clearFilters(); console.log(1); }; }, []); Stack Snippet: const { useState,… Read More how to execute cleanup function in useEffect() only when component unmounts