I've been trying this code for a for loop inplementing an array into it

const jonas = { firstName: ‘Jonas’, lastName: ‘Billing’, age: 2037-1991, job: ‘teacher’, friends: [‘Michael’, ‘Peter’, ‘Steven’] }; const types = []; for (let i = 0; i < jonas.length; i++) { console.log(jonas[i], typeof jonas[i]); types.push(typeof jonas[i]); } console.log(types); I expected the each property of the object to be logged into the console as i stated… Read More I've been trying this code for a for loop inplementing an array into it

C# overwriting current line in console not working in conhost.exe

I have a console application that runs a task that reports it’s completion percent as it progresses. While doing this, I display a progress bar to the console. I use Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop); before calling Console.Write to update the current line so that the progress bar updates in place. When I run this in Powershell using… Read More C# overwriting current line in console not working in conhost.exe

What is a difference between directly writing code in console vs console logging it?

What is a difference between: Promise.all([1,2]) //Promise {<fulfilled>: Array(2)} and let p1 = Promise.all([1,2]); console.log(p1) //Promise {<pending>} Why does the console show a different result? >Solution : Preface: I’m assuming you pasted both lines of your second example (let p1 = Promise.all([1,2]); and console.log(p1)) at the same time; that’s how I can make Chrome’s console do… Read More What is a difference between directly writing code in console vs console logging it?

How to run JavaScript function in browser console?

In my Python program, I need to run the hcaptchaCallback function (screenshot), but the function name has a different numbers each time. Can I somehow run this function by specifying only the first part of the name (hcaptchaCallback)? driver.execute_script(‘hcaptchaCallback…()’) >Solution : There is nothing that lets you really do that. You might be able to… Read More How to run JavaScript function in browser console?