Pandas 2.1.0 warning ''The 'method' keyword in Series.replace is deprecated and will be removed in a future version''

Advertisements I have a pandas line of code that gives me a future deprecation warning as stated in the title and I can’t find in the pandas documentation how to modify it in order to remove the warning. The line of code is the following: df[‘temp_open’]=df[‘temp_open’].replace(”,method=’ffill’) Any help would be greatly appreciated. I tried to… Read More Pandas 2.1.0 warning ''The 'method' keyword in Series.replace is deprecated and will be removed in a future version''

'createConnection' is deprecated

Advertisements I am creating my first application in Node with Graphql, and for now I have only written this code: import ‘reflect-metadata’; const express = require(‘express’); import { Express } from ‘express’; import { ApolloServer } from ‘apollo-server-express’; import { ApolloServerPluginLandingPageGraphQLPlayground } from ‘apollo-server-core’; import { buildSchema } from ‘type-graphql’; import { ActivityResolver } from… Read More 'createConnection' is deprecated

DeprecationWarning: Passing strings for MessageEmbed#setAuthor is deprecated

Advertisements I’m working on a discord bot, when a user joins/leaves the server there’s a message for that, but I’m getting a warning in my terminal that says DeprecationWarning: Passing strings for MessageEmbed#setAuthor is deprecated Here is some of the code in case you need it. const Welcome = new MessageEmbed() .setColor("RED") .setAuthor(user.tag, user.avatarURL({dynamic: true,… Read More DeprecationWarning: Passing strings for MessageEmbed#setAuthor is deprecated

Show container deprecation log in human-readable format?

Advertisements I have a Symfony 5.3 application. When the container is compiled, the following file appears: var/cache/dev/App_KernelDevDebugContainerDeprecations.log In contains a serialized list of deprecation messages: a:13:{i:0;a:6:{s:4:"type";i:16384;s:7:"message";s:166:"Since symfony/security-guard 5.3: … Is there a way to display this deprecation log in human-readable format? I could not find a bin/console command to do that. Also, is the output… Read More Show container deprecation log in human-readable format?