Dataframe – difference of rows by some style

Advertisements I want the difference of column ‘position’ by the column ‘Seg’ with ‘x’ adjacent. import numpy as np import pandas as pd mydict = {‘position’:[‘0.0’, ‘0.433’, ‘2.013’, ‘3.593’, ‘5.173’, ‘6.753’, ‘6.9’],’Seg’:[‘x’, ‘x’, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, ‘x’]} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mydict) df position Seg 0 0.0 x 1 0.433 x 2 2.013 NaN 3 3.593… Read More Dataframe – difference of rows by some style

Find different values between 2 lists of dictionaries with different keys

Advertisements I have 2 lists: list1 = [ { "address": "1000", "amount": 0 }, { "address": "2000", "amount": 0 }, { "address": "3000", "amount": 0 }, { "address": "4000", "amount": 20 } ] list2 = [ { "account": "1000", "balance": 100 }, { "account": "2000", "balance": 200 }, { "account": "3000", "balance": 300 } ]… Read More Find different values between 2 lists of dictionaries with different keys

In PostgreSQL, how can I optimize a query with which I obtain the differences between the current column and the immediately previous one?

Advertisements i have this audit table User date text text 2 u1 2023-01-01 hi yes u1 2022-12-20 hi no u1 2022-12-01 hello maybe And i need as a result, something like this: User date text text 2 u1 2023-01-01 null x u1 2022-12-20 x x u1 2022-12-01 null null So i can know wich column… Read More In PostgreSQL, how can I optimize a query with which I obtain the differences between the current column and the immediately previous one?

Different binary outputs from js and py

Advertisements So, I am trying to turn a number to binary, which seems fine in both javascript and python, but my issue is that when I do so, they both return a different binary string. I enter: 585190997647163394 JavaScript returns: 100000011111000001000001110010100100100001000000000000000000 Python returns: 100000011111000001000001110010100100100001000000000000000010 If you can´t see the difference, the penultimate digit in the… Read More Different binary outputs from js and py

sizeof() gives different results for the same object

Advertisements #include <stdio.h> int avg(int []); void main(){ int average; int marks[5]={10,15,20,30,45}; printf("%d\n",sizeof(marks)); // answer is 20(as expected) avg(marks); } int avg(int marks[]){ int sum=0; printf("%d\n",sizeof(marks)); // answer is 8(why???) } In this code, I was trying to print the sizeof the integer pointer marks. When I print the sizeof the marks inside the main… Read More sizeof() gives different results for the same object